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Exploring and celebrating the always available and ever joyful direct connection to Source... 
As exemplified by the life and teachings of
Jesus Christ, The Buddha, Lao-tzu, Krishnamurti
                      and many others...


The Wall

There is a wall that exists. Not in the physical form, but it is real none the less. It divides the Western Christians from the rest of the spiritual world. In my opinion, Christians are conditioned into a exclusive perspective on Jesus. This perspective restricts one from embracing the rest of the spiritual world, its Masters, and their teachings. It also has a strong element of fear that instructs it's followers that hell awaits for those who don't believe the doctrine of exclusivity.


On the other side of the wall, is the rest of the spiritual world; who are restricted from embracing Jesus as an example due to that doctrine of exclusivity.

My perspective is that the life and teachings of Jesus are completely in line with the core principles of all of the Master Teachers who experienced a direct relationship with the Divine. Some of the peripheral ideas and concepts differ, but the core truth is the same- that there is One True God. This Tao, Father, Mother, Infinite Creator, Oneness, God is pure unconditional love and consciousness. It's power is unfathomable and beyond comprehension. But we can know that it exits by looking and feeling within. And as we clear our burden that manifests as resistance in the body and illusion of the mind, we slowly come to the truth that Source has always been there... within and without.. It allows us to experience this duality, make our mistakes and learn our lessons, while patiently awaiting our eventual return home to Oneness; no matter how long it takes.


There is one spark of life that exists within every living cell. As humans, we have the unique position of knowing I AM. And from there we can step forward and realize that The Christ is within us all, albeit in varying degrees of development. I look to Jesus and many others, as an example (The Ideal NOT the Idol) of what we all can and will eventually become- Fully realized beings- feeling and knowing that there is only One Source of all and we are completely and totally one with and of that Source- and that there is nothing else...

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