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In the realm of the healing arts, John has developed a technique entitled Somatic Forgiveness.

Somatic Forgiveness is intended to alleviate emotional burden by surrendering past meanings, occurrences, and frequencies (that are stored in our bodies as negative feelings) to source. This allows unhealthy energy to be composted and integrated into wholeness and health.  He developed this approach from the visionary work of John Newton and Howard Wills.  He is also heavily influenced by the teachings of Jesus Christ, Lao-tzu, and Jiddu Krishnamurti (to name a few).  Sessions are available over the phone or in person.

"My clearing work with John has produced profoundly transformative results."

- Helen

"Within the small amount of time I spent with John, my compacted energy released and I felt amazing relief and space in my mind, body, and spirit." - Lani

"Every time I work with John I am utterly amazed. I literally feel a total shift in my body, and know that with every session I am working on a higher vibrational level. It is truly a blessing."  - Happy

"Our session today was so effective. I felt immediate relief and trust the healing will continue to permeate for some time. Thank you again."  -Kate

"If yall are having a hard time or carrying around burdens I highly recommend talking to John. Just one session has me feeling at ease and peaceful. Thanks John!" -Mandi

"Working with John has been a true gift. In just one session, I was able to transform and transmute heavy contracted feelings into joyful lightness of being.  I immediately began to see shifts of ease in my relationships.  The deepening of which continues to grow daily" - Robin

More info on the process...

The reality we live in is based on frequency. The frequency we emanate resonates with other similar frequencies attracting that level of relationship, money, success, health, etc.. Most people are attracting things that are far below full potential.


This work uses feelings of discomfort in the body to point to circumstances that caused us to carry burden and have limiting beliefs from early childhood or past lives. Once we have identified a place where these limits come from, I help and hold space for the client, through a meditative silent prayer process, with the intention to alleviate and compost all burden into oneness and health.

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